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Discussione: Any of you scooter boys/lassies selling a large frame Vespa

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  1. #1

    Any of you scooter boys/lassies selling a large frame Vespa

    Not so young scottish scooterist (1st national scooter rally Dumbar 1984), been out of the scene since 1996 is now gagging to get back on a Vespa.
    Do any of you have a P2 or PX to sell ? I am in the Piacenza area & have around 1000 Euro to spend (not a lot I agree) can find 2-3 hundred more for the right scoot, but has to be road legal & in good condition.
    Please contact me at consult.me@alice.it

  2. #2
    Staff VRista Platinum L'avatar di Neropongo
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    Riferimento: Any of you scooter boys/lassies selling a large frame Vespa

    Hey Tascot,
    welcome on VR and good luck for your search.

    I am a not so young italian scooterist in England! So quite the opposite as you.
    Please feel free to contact me if you need help translating even tho by your other message on the compro section if the forum looks like you dont actually need it.

    Ciao from Surrey


  3. #3

    Smile Riferimento: Any of you scooter boys/lassies selling a large frame Vespa


    Thanks, I lived in Spain 11 years so already had basis for "Latino", I have studied Italian, although nobody warned me that everyone speaks Dialetto

    just as well I studied French at school...

  4. #4
    VRista DOC L'avatar di MimminoAlbe
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    Riferimento: Any of you scooter boys/lassies selling a large frame Vespa

    Take a look on subito.it...a little bit cheaper than egay.
    To contact someone u can write here and we can translate for you the email to send...

  5. #5

    Riferimento: Any of you scooter boys/lassies selling a large frame Vespa

    Take you meant ebay, but liked it better as you wrote it.

  6. #6
    Staff VRista Platinum L'avatar di Neropongo
    Data Registrazione
    Jun 2006
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    Riferimento: Any of you scooter boys/lassies selling a large frame Vespa

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da tascot Visualizza Messaggio
    Take you meant ebay
    It's an old joke, soooo old it is now used as a common reference to the auction site and believe or not we're not the only ones. I know other forums in the UK where that letter swap is also quite common.

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