Subject: Invitation to the World Vespa Week®, Treviso – Italy 2008”.

Treviso Vespa Club has the pleasure to inform you that is organizing the 2nd International World Vespa Week®, Treviso – Italy”.

This event will take place in Treviso on the following days: Thursday 29 th May, Friday 30 th May, Saturday 31st May, Sunday 1st June and Monday 2nd June 2008.

This five-day event will be developped in 5 days within a fully equipped area where lots of different activities will be carried on such as: Exhibitions of Gymkana, Trial, Lessons on safe driving and first aid, exhibitions of antique objects and gastronomic stands.

We have decided to inform you so in advance about this event because we do believe in the great passion that we share and we wish to attract the attention of Vespa’s lovers all over the world.

The number of people expected from Italy and the rest of the world is about 8.000 Vespa. We have arranged an area of 140.000 m2 and we will be supported by 7 clubs, (Pederobba Vespa Club, Montebelluna Vespa Club, Sei Giorni Vespa Club, Sacile Vespa Club, Vespa Racing Team, U.V.A. Generation and Moto Club Ariano).

In order to gather all of us in one place and to create an universal twinning in the name of Vespa, we would like to build a tower 5 meters tall and 10 meters large, by joining all the band shields of all Vespa Clubs and we have also planned to create a video point where we will project the short videos received from the Vespa clubs all over the world. For this reason we invite you to record a video (lasting 30 seconds maximum) of your club and to send it together with your band shield to the address above mentioned.

We ask you to inform all your members club about this event and to visit our website to get all the latest news about it. Registrations will start in february on the official website.

Treviso Vespa Club Staff and all the local Vespa Clubs which are cooperating with us are working with a will to realize this event and we hope that it will be remembered in the history of the Italian Vespa.

Sure that World Vespa Week will gather all lovers of the most popular metallic insect of the world, we remain at your disposal for any further information you may need.

Best regards,

Carlo de Candia
Segretario e
Vice Presidente
Vespa Club Treviso