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Discussione: exhaust

  1. #1


    I finally purchased all the bits I needed. In the end, because of low stock, I had to order from 3 different internet vendors and just "fired" one because they turned out to be unresponsive. I hate to give money to people who do not understand good service.
    For any American friends who read this, the best one was Scooterworks. The bad one will go un-named.
    The one bit I could not find was a stock exhaust. I turned down the sito plus and simonini on the strenght of the advise on this and other forums.
    My question is:
    I will try to resuscitate my old exhaust. Has anyone tried the method illustrated on http://www.vespamaintenance.com/engi...ust/index.html ? If so, did it work ok? Any other suggestions on what to do?
    Thanks to all

  2. #2
    Staff VRista Platinum L'avatar di Neropongo
    Data Registrazione
    Jun 2006
    7 548
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    There are various methods to "empty" an exhaust, it's not always necessary to cut open and weld them back together, depending on what is wrong with them.
    What's up with yours?

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