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  1. #4
    Fondatore VRista Diamond L'avatar di horusbird
    Data Registrazione
    Dec 2004
    13 798
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    Facebook connect

    Abbiamo dovuto disattivare l'opzione che permette di collegare gli account VR e Facebook dato che Facebook seguita a cambiare le proprie impostazioni e il team di supporto del software del forum probabilmente non riuscirà più a gestire queste continue cambiarelle...
    Consigliamo quindi di usare un normale login.

    Facebook Connect stop working

    Tue 11th Apr '17, 11:01pm

    Is there something wrong with the facebook connect now? looks like my two sites vbulletin 4 stop working and it says "Unable to contact the facebook server; if this condition persists, contact the admin" is there any issues between facebook api and vbulletin? or maybe they updated the facebook api again?
    Yesterday, 4:22am
    You'll need to upgrade to 4.2.5, changes were added that I believe will correct it.

    This is caused by Facebook making changes their end. They keep moving the goalposts unfortunately.

    I would consider looking to get users off Facebook Connect and onto a normal login. This is most likely the last time we will be able to update vB4 for Facebook changes.
    Ultima modifica di horusbird; 13-04-17 alle 11:10

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